Atlantis-Pak Co Ltd
Atlantis-Pak Company is a recognized leader on the market of packaging for meat products and cheeses, and belongs to the top ten global firms producing plastic sausage casings. We produce 12 types (and more than 30 modifications) of casings for meat and dairy products.The priority business areas for Atlantis-Pak Company are the following:production of packaging for meat and dairy products,production of decalsOur Company's mission is provision of meat and dairy producers with new solutions, creating new prospects for their development.Under new solutions we understand creation of innovative products and services, the use of which is beneficial for the meat and dairy enterprises.Practically every year the Company develops and puts into production new types of products and extends its range of services.Today the Company offers to its partners such additional services as shirring of casings, after-sale servicing, full-color and multicolor printing of casings and vacuum bags.The Company takes special pride in its unique technology of UV printing of sausage casings.Atlantis-Pak is recognized by the world meat-processing industry as an innovative company, and we are planning to market essentially novel goods and services every year, just as we have been doing throughout the Company's history.The five-year strategy of development of Atlantis-Pak is based on the following main lines of our progress:further development and production of new types of packaging;complex deliveries to the consumers within our main business areas (production of packaging materials, decals, and ingredients);extension of our network of branches, including foreign branches.