
How is this famed product – considered the ‘king of cheeses’ – made? And what systems do producers of the protected designation of origin (PDO) cheese put in place to protect against potential food fraud? GettyImages/FARAHNAZ ALAEI

Inside the dairy: How is ‘king of cheeses’ Parmigiano Reggiano made?

By Flora Southey

Consumer turnover of Parmigiano Reggiano recently hit an all-time high of €2.9bn. What is it about this famed cheese that makes it unique? And as a premium product, what systems do producers put in place to protect against potential food fraud? FoodNavigator...

Cheese shop pulls products from shelves after Listeria outbreak

Cheese shop pulls products from shelves after Listeria outbreak

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

On 20 March, Wiltshire-based cheese shop the Old Cheese Room announced that they were recalling a selection of their products following a Listeria outbreak. Several other Listeria outbreaks have also taken place in the UK and Europe over the past year,...

Danbo, a hard cheese, is one of Denmark's most popular. GettyImages/Jesper Mattias

Researchers accelerate Danish cheese production with ripening 'shortcut'

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Once, Danish Danbo cheese would take at least a month to mature. However, researchers from the DTU National Food Institute have figured out a way of cutting down this time to just a few days – putting the cheese in a fermentation tank to create prime...


Morbier: The cheese’s ash line to be PDO-protected

By Teodora Lyubomirova

The ruling means that the cheese’s iconic appearance cannot be reproduced by cheesemakers based outside the protected designation of origin (PDO) area – even if their product isn't called ‘Morbier’.

The company said the product has “an umami and tangy taste profile.

Microalgae-based cheese alternative developed

By Jim Cornall

Sophie's BioNutrients, a food production technology company, together with Ingredion Idea Labs innovation center in Singapore, have collaborated to produce the company’s first microalgae-based cheese alternative from Sophie's BioNutrients'...

Since Bel bought it in 2002, Leerdammer sales and earnings have nearly doubled.  Pic: Groupe Bel

Lactalis set to buy Leerdammer cheese from Bel

By Jim Cornall

Bel Group and Lactalis Group said they have begun exclusive negotiations, with Bel Group set to sell Royal Bel Leerdammer NL, Bel Italia, Bel Deutschland, the Leerdammer brand and all related rights plus Bel Shostka Ukraine, to the French dairy giant.


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