Cultures, enzymes, yeast

Image: General Mills

Precision fermentation: Future of dairy or busted flush?

By Oliver Morrison

There was a notable failure in the US for ‘one of the world’s first next generation cheese alternatives’. But that shouldn’t detract from the potential benefits that precision fermentation technology can bring to the dairy alternatives category, FoodNavigator’s...

How is this famed product – considered the ‘king of cheeses’ – made? And what systems do producers of the protected designation of origin (PDO) cheese put in place to protect against potential food fraud? GettyImages/FARAHNAZ ALAEI

Inside the dairy: How is ‘king of cheeses’ Parmigiano Reggiano made?

By Flora Southey

Consumer turnover of Parmigiano Reggiano recently hit an all-time high of €2.9bn. What is it about this famed cheese that makes it unique? And as a premium product, what systems do producers put in place to protect against potential food fraud? FoodNavigator...

The government have invested £12mn in a hub for the production of sustainable proteins such as cultivated meat. Source: Mindful Media/Getty Images

UK government invests £12m in sustainable protein hub

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

The UK government has invested £12m (€13.57) in a new research centre to grow sustainable protein and cultivated meat. This will be the largest investment yet made by the government in sustainable proteins.

Plant-based is a rapidly growing market. Source: ChayTee/Getty Images

‘What is naturalness?’ The future of plant-based food

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Plant-based is one of the most important trends in the food industry today. Meat- and dairy-free products are helping provide food alternatives to an ever-growing flexitarian market. But some questions still remain. For one, since many plant-based foods...

Danbo, a hard cheese, is one of Denmark's most popular. GettyImages/Jesper Mattias

Researchers accelerate Danish cheese production with ripening 'shortcut'

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Once, Danish Danbo cheese would take at least a month to mature. However, researchers from the DTU National Food Institute have figured out a way of cutting down this time to just a few days – putting the cheese in a fermentation tank to create prime...

Researchers are exploring the utilization of corn husk waste for value-added end applications. Image: Getty/Matauw

The researchers brewing lipids to transform waste into food

By Oliver Morrison

Researchers say they are using ancient technology to turn agricultural waste into fats. They say the approach could help the sustainable protein industry recreate the flavours of meat and has the potential to replace palm oil or other tropical oils.

Europe ‘lagging’ in lab-grown meat investments

Europe ‘lagging’ in lab-grown meat investments

By Oliver Morrison

A new report reveals the countries poised to seize the world’s lab-grown meat market, based on investment raised, amid warnings that countries in Europe risk missing out on profitable and sustainable opportunity.