Food Safety & Quality

Image source: GettyImages/Samara Heisz

Can coronavirus be transmitted via imported food?

By Flora Southey

Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has claimed 425 lives in China to date, prompting concerns that food imported to Europe from Hubei Province and affected regions could be infected.

The Italian Way considers the US a ‘mature and conscious’ market for Italian beverage exports.

Italy eyes the US beverage market for health-conscious, eco customers

By Beth Newhart

American consumers are increasingly looking for products with a focus on simple, high-quality ingredients and sustainability. And a group of Italian companies believe their products are ready to meet these demands: with their drinks on show at the Winter...

pic: iStock

Kerry’s clean label answer to acrylamide

By Katy Askew

Acrylamide is a hot topic for food makers. It has been a year since the European Commission regulation obliging food business operators to apply acrylamide mitigation measures came into force. Kerry Group aims to help manufacturers step up to the mark...


‘Act now on food safety’, out-of-home chains told

By Oliver Morrison

Out-of-home (OOH) food and drink firms should ‘do the right thing’ and ‘demonstrate a strong commitment to food safety’, without the threat of legislation, says Instinctif Partners, which gives advice to brands on risk and crisis management.

Dr José Herrera, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Malta, joined Muscat at the ECMA Congress. Photo: ECMA.

ECMA Congress 2019

Malta PM: ‘We were more prepared for the Millennium Bug than Brexit’

By Jenny Eagle

‘Your guess is as good as mine on Brexit’, said Joseph Muscat, the Prime Minster of Malta, at the opening of the ECMA Congress 2019 last week (September 19-20), ‘But what is obvious, is during the next few days there needs to be a meaningful engagement’.

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