Food waste

IPES: Existing EU food policies 'do not fit together, and are not delivering – individually or collectively.' ©iStock

Europe’s Plan B: The ‘Common Food Policy’

By Louis Gore-Langton

An independent think tank, IPES, has been set up to advise the EU and work towards creating a common food policy that would create a sustainable, healthy and profitable food system – a ‘plan B’ to the failures of the current framework.

EIT Food aims to support the creation of 350 start-ups within seven years and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the European food system by 40% by 2030. ©iStock

Algae and alternative protein players in €1.2bn EU food project

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A pan-EU sustainable food project sees Israeli astaxanthin supplier Algatechnologies, champion of pea protein Roquette and Dutch nutrition giant DSM among its 50 partners that will invest close to €1.2bn over the next seven years. 

'The FSI is a tool for policymakers and experts to orient their action [...] and for the public to conscientiously adjust their behavior for the food of our health and our planet,' says the report. © iStock

France tops global food sustainability index

By Niamh Michail

France is the top ranking country for tackling food waste and nutritional challenges while Germany is ranked number one for sustainable agriculture, according to a 25-nation food sustainability index by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN).

Perceptions of what an 'imperfect' product is can depend on whether the ocnsumer is in the home or at the supermarket.  © iStock

Fighting food waste with the right price discount

By Niamh Michail

Selling wonky vegetables or a dented tin on tomatoes at a discount can help reduce food waste - but the price reduction must be aligned with the product and its flaw, say researchers.

Less talk of targets and more accelerated action, please, says Champions 12.3  © iStock

Action on food waste needs to accelerate, says SDG report

By David Burrows

Europe’s governments and companies have been great at setting targets to cut food waste, but now they need to “accelerate and scale up adoption of policies, incentives, and practices” to act upon these, according to a report on Sustainable Development...

'The adoption of these technologies will take place at an increasingly rapid rate, particularly in the case of food.' © iStock/Pepsikan

Is your firm ready for 3 waves of disruptive food innovation?

By Niamh Michail

In the next 10 years, the food industry will be profoundly changed by a series of disruptive innovations in three waves. "Some say these entrepreneurs will save the planet, others believe they will destroy our relationship with food. I believe it...

At four hours, lactic acid for native Okara was 2.45 fold higher than the control fructo-oligosaccharides. ©iStock/alffoto

Soybean by-product tipped as alternative prebiotic

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

By-product Okara, otherwise known as ‘soy pulp’ or ‘tofu dreg’, is a promising novel prebiotic, according to researchers testing the ingredient in a human gut model. 

The service helps retailers shift more than 1.3 million products each month, that would likely have gone unsold otherwise. © Zéro-Gâchis


Waste-zapping app looks for new retail partners

By Niamh Michail

Helping retailers shift over 1.3 million products that would have been wasted otherwise is just the first step for French company, Zéro-Gâchis, which has set its sights on expanding to Spain, Belgium and beyond.

'In order for the Pantry app to be most effective, we envisage that collaboration with a large grocery retailer could be the way forward,' said lead researcher Elliot Woolley. © iStock

Industry must help consumers cut food waste, say app developers

By Niamh Michail

Focusing food waste efforts on industry when most waste happens at home is misdirected but industry must share best practice to help consumers cut waste, say the developers of a smart phone app that slashes domestic food waste by 34%.

Last year 100 million tonnes of food was wasted according to European consumer rights group BEUC.

France's food waste law scrapped on a technicality

By Niamh Michail

A law that would have forced French supermarkets to donate unsold food to charity has been scrapped on a legal technicality – but supermarkets are being urged to adopt it voluntarily and some have already pledged to do so.

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