
The results are promising, according to lead study author Kelly Swanson, professor in the Department of Animal Sciences and interim director of the Division of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who believes more studies should be conducted to confirm these findings in humans. GettyImages/ollo

Could eating insects slow weight gain in people with obesity?

By Flora Southey

A new study suggests consuming insect protein slows weight gain and improves health status in obese mice. The findings are promising for humans, lead study author Kelly Swanson, interim director of the Division of Nutritional Sciences at the University...

Thai Union, owner of brands John West and Chicken of the Sea, says it is the first seafood processor to set science-based targets for reducing emissions that align with the Paris agreement. GettyImages/fabiomax

How Thai Union plans to achieve net zero emissions by 2050

By Flora Southey

The seafood giant has announced near-term and long-term climate targets, including an ambition to achieve net zero ambitions by 2050. Adam Brennan, chief sustainability officer at Thai Union Group, talks us through the strategy.

Image Source: 10,000 Hours/Getty Images

What is carnism?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Coined in 2001, social psychologist Melanie Joy’s theory of carnism suggests a philosophical basis behind the defence and justification of meat consumption. In a time where plant-based diets fight to replace those of meat, it is more relevant than ever....

Heura collaborated with 450 schools across Spain. Image Source: xavierarnau/Getty Images

Heura collaborates with schools to provide plant-based nutrition

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Plant-based meat company Heura has collaborated with schools across the Iberian peninsula to bring more plant-based meat to the diets of schoolchildren. Across 450 schools, it has introduced plant-based meat into school meals.

Image: Getty/Hailshadow

The packaging paradox: the balance between clean labels and shelf life

By Oliver Morrison

In today’s era of sustainability, rising ingredient and energy prices, reducing waste by extending shelf life is more imperative than ever. But what implications does this have for clean labels? Where do manufacturers draw the line between extending shelf...

Red meat could lead to cancer due to damaged DNA, the study suggests. Image Source: 10,000 Hours/Getty Images

Heat-damaged DNA in food could be linked to cancer, study shows

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Foods including red and processed meat have been frequently linked to cancer. A new study suggests that this could be because of the cooking process – food cooked at high heats could damage the DNA in the food, leading to increased cancer risk in those...

Image: Petmal

Fresh calls for food to be central to climate dialogue

By Oliver Morrison

Most countries are yet to realise the full potential of including food systems in their climate action plans, according to a new report calling for food and agriculture to be at the heart of discussions.

Fungi enables the upcycling of waste material. Image Source: Ian Nolan/Getty Images

Mycoprotein and fungal proteins – The sustainability potential

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Mycoprotein and fungal proteins take up less land than animal farming, and can be used to aid in regenerative agriculture, explains mycoprotein major Quorn - perhaps the best-known manufacturer of mycoprotein-based meat substitutes.

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