Researchers have discovered the genetic sequencing behind two mutations in peas responsible for high iron content. This discovery could aid future research into improving biofortification.
A ‘ground-breaking’ £1 million project has been announced in the UK, which aims to both produce peas that are tasteless but retain nutritional value and have a significant impact on reducing the need for UK imports of soya.
The Year of the Pulse may be over but pulses are still a trending ingredient, although industry needs to invest in greater consumer awareness if it is to benefit from the buzz, according to researchers.
Two new varieties of southernpeas claim to feature superior color,
texture and flavor, reported US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
scientists yesterday.
The UK's pea crop has been devastated by the poor weather and
flooding in recent weeks and a shortage of peas for freezing and as
ingredients looks inevitable, according to the Food and Drink
A greener variety of black-eyed pea may well solve the problem of
color fading faced by frozen food processors, allowing them to sell
a better looking product, say scientists.
Research to genetically modify peas to resist insect attack and
reduce the use of chemical sprays has been discontinued after the
failure of a stringent risk assessment.